As Gallahue and Ozmun (2001) the school, many times, is the space where, for the first time, the children live group situations and they are not more the centers of the attentions, being that the experiences lived in this phase will give for a healthful development during the remaining portion of its life. 5. METHODOLOGY This project of pedagogical intervention search to add the professors of the Physical Education and History for construction of proposal for the dissemination and reflection of the culture afro-Brazilian through the dance and history, being waited to find one space of debate concerning the practical effective of the pertaining to school space. During the development of this work, with analysis of diverse authors who write on the dance and the culture afro-Brazilian, it visualizes to carry through this project in AND M J M F with the pupils of 3 year of Basic Ensino, through expositiva and dialogued lesson, guiding of research, survey of the information found, productions of text, interviews with employees of the school and the community on the subject in question, exposition of the activities for the too much pupils and professors of the school and the community, acrstico with the word culture afro-Brazilian, being that it will be emphasized typical foods, confection of a book illustrating history of Zumbi of Palmares, confection of masks and sculptures of diverse tribes African (in accordance with the meanings that is attributed to them), to know the workmanships of artists that had been influenced by the African culture, as Pablo Picasso, to attend DVD? S for quarrel of this style of dance to know other manifestations cultural, to show through the film ' ' Kiriku and feiticeira' ' a little of history, the African culture, passing this knowledge of clear, objective form and of easy language, so that the pupils understand common facts of the African life and relate with our proper culture.
Training Academy High
The Swiss Testing Institute awarded the company’s StarAcademy the coveted seal of approval from and the consulting philosophy as well as the education and training programmes that explicitly acknowledges. Already in May 2011 the IHK Lubeck of AG, the German financial resources awarded a certificate and praised its special merits for the vocational training”. There are occasions to celebrate so sufficiently and the DFK annual kick-off event provides a worthy framework for this purpose on January 14. Set in the historic Congress Palais Kassel will Valeri Spady and around 300 invited staff management team and guests call the highlights of the year 2011 in memory, but above all the views in the future because the German financial resources AG has set itself for 2012 ambition. The focus is while continuing the commitment to highest standards of quality in education. In this sense the StarAcademy extends its teaching to a EU consultant Academy, which aims to provide budding financial experts particularly profound business knowledge.
In addition, StarAcademy Director is Andreas tall several new topics integrated in the seminar – and high, thereby ensuring the Training Academy High practical relevance in the future. Even seasoned DFK sales professionals will benefit from 2012 because the German financial resources AG calls the Business Club”in life. A survey in the new and exclusive institution is only the best of the best”be reserved as Valeri Spady already made clear. With their years of experience, but also the commitment to a rigorous ethics and code of conduct to the elite of German financial resources AG model be the young recruits and concretely in the practical training to assume responsibility. Refer to for more current information about the annual kick-off event 2012.
About the company German financial resources AG / DFK group the DFK group of companies is a dynamically growing financial services provider with a 10-year history of the company. Business purpose of the DFK group is the provision of financial services of all kinds, as well as the provision of Services related to the real estate investment. The well-developed sales and service network of DFK / German financial resources AG guarantees a continuation of stable and steady growth. Through the creation of individual wealth building strategy, the company enters very intensively on the personal needs of his clients. Here, the financial situation of the individual plays no significant role. The DFK Group serves over 30,000 families with over 80,000 contracts. Chairman of the Board of German financial resources AG is Valeri Spady. The German financial resources AG has its headquarters in Kaltenkirchen near Hamburg. How to contact with DFK German financial Kontor AG Valeri Samwel Brookweg 48 24568 Kaltenkirchen phone: 04191 910000 fax: 04191 910002 E-Mail: Internet:
Royal Academy
And that step self-employed-led human beings to self-reflection thought but in turn to understand in the context of post-war collective thinking, shared reflection, perhaps socializadora-, who had to learn to say no, namely live value contrary to the past understand the suffering of the other, to understand himself through an indelible impression. Morality and economics are involved each other, but not in the Marxist sense, where the dominant ideology is that of the dominant class (Bates, g. Mercedes. Ethics). 4 a fundamental problem of human action, namely to dissociate to the executor of the action, since it is regrettable to note how certain individuals judged not only the action of the person but to the same individual. Here one might mention the naturalistic fallacy, believing that a law of nature is respectable, not considered the human being part of nature?, then, if outside a law would be respected, i.e. the law within the meaning of the domain of the human being, of their capabilities, their impulses, desires, feelings, those elements not are governed good cannot be defined, do then how you know evil? Although certain dictionaries such as the Royal Academy of the language define bad condition, disease, ethics may be bad, if it is improperly used and applied in a way that produces a social cancer, i.e. with political or economic purposes, leaving aside the relevance of the human being, their ideals, their potential, their hopes.
Maria Montessori commented that education and politics could not be hand. It would have to be questioned to what extent the political sphere the individual changed the concept of ethics and how ceased to be a symbolic animal to become an emotional, sentimental, animal that empatizaba with others, had a memory and a sorrowful reminder of the past.
Spanish Cinema Academy
Film Awards opens the curtain we start film awards, a new channel exclusively dedicated to the cinema where you will find all the latest news from the world of the seventh art and who will pay special attention to coverage of the most important film festivals. In this new space more glamorous main festivals of cinema will find the latest news from national and international cinema scene, interviews of your favorite actors, the trailers of the best films, and photographs. GOYA Awards next February 13 will be held the gala of the Goya, follow it live and enjoy the best photos of the. If carpet rojaaun don’t know the list of nominees for the Goya, favorite movies here you can find all the information. It enters Goya Awards and enjoy the best Spanish film. OSCARS in our new channel, we offer you the first announced the nominees for the Oscar, you can also watch trailers of the nominated films, actors and actresses winners of the Oscar in previous editions, the live gala and the best dresses from the red carpet at the Oscars. Live awards continues through most complete retransmission of the awards ceremonies. Find out live everything that happens in the finery of two of the most prestigious festivals of the world: first impressions winners, galleries of images of the red carpet, videos of the gala, complete list of winners and much more. Put to the test your intuition which movie will be the winner of the Goya Awards? do Balada Triste de trompeta, by alex de la Iglesia? do Pa Negre, Agusti Villaronga’s? Also Iciar Bollain rain? Participates in our Predictor of Goya and ahead of the members of the Spanish Cinema Academy. Tell us who will be the winners of every category and prove you’re a real guru of celluloid.
Sweden Royal Academy
Be present, as it, Lorenz, meteorologist, discovered in 1960 that small differences in a dynamic system as the atmosphere can cause enormous changes. In 1972, this American scientist presented a study entitled: can the flapping of the wings of a butterfly in Brazil cause a tornado in Texas?. Its findings opened a new field of studies that included virtually all branches of the sciences, and in the specific case of weather, led to the conviction that it was impossible to predict the weather beyond two or three weeks with some degree of accuracy. To demonstrate that certain systems have limits of prediction, Lorenz ended with the Cartesian universe and it gave rise to the third scientific revolution of the 20th century, after the theories of relativity and quantum physics, said Kerry Emanuel, Professor of atmospheric science at MIT.
During his professional life he received countless awards for his scientific work, among them, the Crafoord prize that grants the Sweden Royal Academy of Sciences created in recognition of scientific work not included in the Nobel prizes. In 1991, he received the Kyoto Prize for planetary science and Earth. On that occasion, the jury that decided the award noted that Lorenz had his most daring scientific achievement to discover the Deterministic chaos, a principle which brought with him the most dramatic changes in human vision of nature from the time of the English naturalist Isaac Newton. Definitely for meteorology, their discoveries meant the acceptance that there is no overall security in forecasts. But also other sciences were shaking for their studies, and that Lorenz ran into the chaos theory by chance. During the repetition of a few calculations on the computer on a climate model, it erred and placed a figure barely changed and as a result got two completely different results. He died at the age of 90.
Johann Sebastian Bach
No matter how many hundreds of years, there was music by Bach, but it is always fresh and always arouses a storm of emotions from the audience. Joseph Brodsky wrote about the music, that just as every person is God, and every music is Bach. No wonder the music Bach did not consider membership in humanity and the universe. Bach was born and raised in a very religious family, as indeed it was "fashionable" in that distant time. Even the shape as a composer and believing in themselves, Bach often turned to God rather simple way – did the inscription on his partiture6 "Jesus, help me!", "Only God's Glory 'and so on. It is possible that these appeals have been heard since the great composer's music to date been concerned about the heart as the faithful and not faithful. But, alas, they were not heard during the life of the great composer.
Actually, it was for the Church of Bach and create nearly all of their work. His concerts for organ clearly carried the a powerful religious message. Researchers say the biography of Bach, which he perceived the church and God as something alive and whole, as if it were a single organism. And this is reflected in his greatest musical works in praise of the power and the glory of God. Recently opened and another side of the church music of Bach. She began to enjoy the mystery and youth during different religious persuasion, that proves once again – in based on Bach's music is deeply mystical, and called on the range of feelings akin to the most powerful musical magic. Surprisingly, Johann Sebastian himself until the end of life, he considered himself a craftsman of music and how many great musicians did not think it deserves the title of the great composer. To a large extent this contributed to the church, which was unprofitable to produce by Bach from his embrace.
Personalized And Dynamic Content
The Noxum GmbH supports the Noxum GmbH, specialist for content management and Web systems dynamic imaging, editorial solution when you create personalized and dynamic content using a dynamic imaging. The Noxum Image Builder can be predefined static image templates combined with dynamic content such as graphics, pricing information, or number of pieces and this generates individual images. The content can either be manually entered or directly be on-the-fly from a defined source such as a connected merchandise management, product information management or media asset management system. The individual images are the publication in appropriate channels such as websites, E-catalogs, online stores, newsletter, email or mobile Web automatically available. Service for companies and their customers the significant overheads which means the combination of dynamic content to the templates for the marketing and graphics departments, can be significantly reduced. In the case of the link of the image Builder to the Database the data need to be collected not only and error can be excluded by copy & paste in this process. This increases the quality of information and communication in the market shortens the.
In the face of today’s customers, media usage behavior, it becomes increasingly important to communicate information quickly and with added value in the market for companies. Through the publication in the appropriate digital channels companies can meet the information needs of their customers targeted with current information. The customers receive information about the products of interest at a glance in their preferred medium. Through the personalized content, they are supported in their purchasing decisions. Processes – sure and shorter company can through the use of the image Builder both time and costs of producing images with personalized content save a – continuous compliance with your corporate design. This is achieved by shorter review cycles in the production and post production by Graphics, Central and secure process management, creation and publication of personalized images for different publishing channels, reliable connection to third-party systems for up-to-date content and reduce translation costs through language-neutral graphics. The Noxum Image Builder is successfully in use at Duttenhofer group to create the personalized content of their products for six online portals. Thus, Duttenhofer can graphics processes supporting its marketing department and publish personalized product information updated daily in the shops.
The Ancient Secret Of Beauty
About the beauty and natural femininity if anyone talks in the modern age over beauty, he thinks in General slim, pretty women with a good body figure. However he is thus to limit itself only to the superficial aspects of female beauty and tenderness. At the same time he loses sight, that is the true beauty of a beautiful soul. Today we consider the earlier image of women submissive and autoritatsglaubig and see it in the opposition to the idea of the strong and liberal woman of modernity. Yellow Gold, rose gold, white gold? Matt or shiny silver? Jewelry acts very harmoniously in yellow or pink gold to warm colors and a peach-colored, bright, often freckled complexion. Silver and white gold is advisable to so-called cold colours and a cool, often very white skin undertone. Buy fashion jewelry or real jewelry? What is the most beautiful diamond ring if he fits in size, not to your hand, However, the rock made of glass is extremely attractive sparkles on your finger? Jewelry is a matter of style and of the Geschmacks.Es are no etiquette”, what jewelry woman wears when and why.
Some tips to facilitate the choice of the appropriate piece of jewelry. Pilgrim jewelry – a touch of elegance, the gentle swirl of flowers, calm of one warm summer evening… Discover the rich, magical-looking, silky shiny black Onyx color! Amber Jewelry – music of the soul, tears of the Sun, modern antique and popular piece of jewelry for everyone. Dragon skin jewelry – to give your life more freedom and unconventionality. Garnet jewelry more elegant and more color to your life! Zirconia jewelry natural beauty for any occasion! Achieve the attractive exterior with the Topaz jewelry! The mysterious-looking exterior with smoky Quartz. Discover the seductive charm of the Amethyst. Stylish & elegant Topaz jewelry for every occasion and every taste! Silver jewellery with precious stones for any occasion! Garnet jewelry more elegant and more color to your life! Online buy!
The International Foundation
We don’t really know our spirituality, or put another way not we have recognized our own spirituality, we still have attachments, we do not transcend, it is one of the three inescapable problems which marks Huston Smith. In the book which mentions Dr. Gallegos in education practice spiritual (education and spirituality), while that other problems (material and social), if they were recognized and tarnished the spiritual problem along the educational history. In the spiritual intelligence have place other intelligences, like intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence, but unlike in These spiritual intelligence is exclusively human, spiritual intelligence, it is not a reaction of our senses, of our hormones, physical changes, when we speak of an intelligence with these characteristics we are talking about emotional intelligence, but when intelligence is just reasoning, memory and logical processes are talking about intellectual intelligence. Intelligence spirituality is all of what we are, has the ability to transcend, is the development of consciousness and universal love, considered values, use sense for correct decision-making of here part to all the intelligences and accommodates us in an order wings other intelligences.
The characteristics of spiritual intelligence are: be happy despite the circumstances, inner peace and equanimity, universal, live to serve love, overcomes the suffering, is independent and autonomous, ethical conduct, the why of things, you discerning, learn to be, integrated holistic education in its entirety. Conclusions: The International Foundation for the Education holistic in Mexico, offers nationwide preparation and holistic training at all levels and trains all educator who performs within all educational dependency and Government as well as all productive organization. The holistic master teaches his disciples in addition participant achieve a development and self-improvement. Mexico holistic education, brand within its objectives promoting the practice of teaching and holistic behavior en masse, activity that also strengthen learning helps to a better personal performance. The holistic education in Mexico, has an arduous task in promoting the holistic education at all educational levels, in all discipline professional, in any company or organization, difficult but not impossible that its graduates will join this Foundation spreading in all Mexico with its practice, and permanent behavior, even with otherwise living in the general behavior of this era. Educational institutions whose purpose is to educate in an integrated manner, must be coordinated in the best way to integrate the holistic education within all its activities and thus promote the true Integral formation in the young. This work is in relationship spread the holistic education to all educators for the good not only of institutions if not of humanity, the change exists personally it is giving. I appreciate all the support that it has given me to the Instituto Tecnologico de San Luis Potosi, as well as the Foundation, and in particular Dr. Gallegos Nava provided confidence.
Cloak Shawl
The concept of "shawl" is gradually becoming obsolete and being replaced such thing as a "cape", "stole". True purpose of this course is not changed, as it did not name it. Shawls and capes are very different, from customary "Angora" to cotton openwork, there are rabbit fur shawls and silk scarves, past us, the familiar of all, called the "veil", but scarves, capes, shawls are essentially the same purpose – to decorate and warm. On Each season has its own cape! If you think about what a good shawl is irreplaceable, and now, for every modern girl, woman. Imagine a cool, gloomy autumn, provided? And now remember their autumn coats. Coat, no doubt – well, because we once picked him with such love. Basic thing – in the locker room irreplaceable.
Yet so eager, so it was modified a little with your mood. And here to help shawl, cape, well if it is, in fact, more and larger sizes or laced with a fringe. You throws her coat on top, like a nice twist and "a miracle" today you look so much better! But we must not forget that Of course, much depends on the appearance of the shawl itself, but even then all – "a matter of taste." Among the variety you are sure will choose their own, and probably not one and not two! It's great to be useful shawl in cold weather premises, in street clothes, even if it is allowed, we will stay in place permanently unable, because this, at least, uncomfortable and not aesthetically pleasing. If you are wrapped in a warm cozy shawl, not only to warm up, do not feel stiffness, but will look simply amazing and elegant! Bright Cloak will add a dull gray or black dress. If you, for example, would need to be out of office after hours, just to go on an informal meeting – threw delicate scarlet or golden shawl over a black turtleneck and completely changed his appearance, just a minute! Even in summer you will not refuse myself the pleasure of a full-wrap cotton "Beauty", zasidevshis after sunset in a rocking chair or on a bench in the courtyard for deliberation of the next plan "to conquer the world!" So, regardless of whether your closet ready or not ready to accommodate to their new "neighbor" have all the same to him to press inside "the living" things and accept new tenants – "coquettes shawls!"