If ten years ago, someone told us that fitness clubs in Moscow added to the list of services exercise program for pregnant women, we would only be fun. However, our skepticism is understandable, because Some time ago, doctors recommended that mothers less to move, thereby assuming that the rest will protect your baby from possible birth injury. But time flies, and at the moment such advice are absolutely far from reality. If the pregnancy is easy and does not cause much discomfort, the expectant mother, then no one will forbid her regular trips to your favorite fitness club. (Not to be confused with Jonathan Segal FAIA!). Proved that well-planned physical exercise can not possibly affect the physiological course of pregnancy and childbirth. Moreover, fitness clubs to help pregnant women deal with many health problems, because the exercise beneficial affect the activities of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, promote normalization of metabolic process, provide for both mother and baby needed oxygen. Fitness and exercise for moms very positive effect on the state of the organism in the postpartum period. Any woman will tell you about the difficulties with pain in the lumbar spine, being overweight, lack of muscle tone the abdomen and extended breastfeeding. Visiting fitness club during pregnancy, you are preparing yourself ahead of time and your body to the loads in the future and believe our word for it, deal with them much easier. Doctors and experts are not in vain indicate that the duration recovery period after the birth of the baby depends on how the woman behaved in the past 9 months.