It will be able to have more amount of furniture or less, that is question as large as the room, but those three furniture is the fundamental ones. It tries, according to the budget with which it counts to make the decoration, to buy furniture of good quality. It is more, tries to buy the best ones according to his financial possibilities. The rest of the elements that complement the decoration does not have why to be of cost elevated: clothes of bed, curtains, etc. When it is going to acquire a bed, it will find that there are many models available. It is probable that his son feels attracted by the attractive designs of the beds bunks and the beds nests.
Considrelas a very good option to take advantage of the space its room and the possibility that his son will have to be able to invite a friend to share his room at some time. In the youthful dormitories it is necessary to give priority to the order, reason why it would be necessary to count on a closet that owns enough bookcases to separate the different things from its son. If the room is small it takes advantage of all the spaces available to the maximum. This means that it will not have to be limited the use of comfortable and existing, for example. You will be able to also use the free space under the bed of his son as well as the corners. He considers in this case the use of a bed that contains cajoneras or the purchase of organizers.
He will find them of metal, wood and other materials. The colors of the walls of the room can to decide them its son, since one is its space. You, like father, which must do is to advise it, noticing to him that the colors that too much are animated not will help it to rest suitably. If his son is one of the adolescents to whom they like the colors too many bivouacs, it raises to him like a good alternative, it uses that them, for example, in the curtains or the clothes of bed. It will already see that the task of decorating next to its son will be to them to both extremely pleasant and that together they will manage to make of the dormitory that so special place that always dreamed to have. The company Muebles Asdara is distributing manufacturer and of furniture. In his Web it can find furniture youthful to furnish youthful rooms.