Smart Homes

Development, installation and maintenance of the "smart home". The system of "smart home" is assembled from components, which include the casing (manufactured by extrusion), chipset (supplies from China, upon request) and software for the system "smart home" and design your site for remote access to system management. 1.Intellektualnye company's resources consist of know-how, technical documentation, information on partners, information about manufacturers and component suppliers, customer databases, software, home automation system, design layouts and site templates. Especially valuable is the know-how, the way manufacturing system, which gives an advantage over competitors' products and customer database. Customers who purchased the system "smart house" in need of further care system and the system produced by the block method, and further expansion of the system with additional units brings new orders. Expanding client base, by providing better services to increase the number of primary and secondary sales, and lowering prices of finished product due to use know-how makes the product competitive in the market. 2.When the analysis of the creation and implementation of new systems for further development of the company Use search engines information centers, an analysis of articles and scientific publications, access to innovative agents.

3.Sistema "smart home" is protected as know-how, further addresses the issue of patenting Multi-channel intelligent voltage regulator, which is the core of the "smart house", and to the improvement of which much attention is paid 4.Personal participating in the profits of the organization, working in atmosphere of partnership and in a friendly competition that allows knowledge workers to create and implement new ideas. A system of continuous training of personnel and transfer of experience among staff. Shaw Father is likely to increase your knowledge. Amount of remuneration of employees depends on the extent of their participation in the development of new products. Employees are motivated not only financially, but also work in the organization forms of staff enhance their intellectual resources. 5. sign an agreement not to disclose trade secrets and confidential information. The internal network organization is multi-tier system of access to information stored on the server organization is not accessible from the Internet.

Only those employees who work on the project, have access to information to this project. The drawings are stored in a safe technologies at a constant video surveillance. Access to databases of customers, suppliers and manufacturers, there is only a two-person organization. 6.B organization organized exchange of experience among staff, upon successful completion of the project, staff organizations are familiar with the major phases of the project in formal and informal settings. Constantly forms budget for staff training, as well as going monitoring of key areas of learning. 7. the organization managing the intellectual resources focused on the development of human, structural and customer capital. To achieve the strategic goals of the organization used the strategy interaction between all three of intellectual capital among themselves.