Psychologist Learnings

Professors badly-formed and indifferent to the failure exist pertaining to school, that had never heard to speak of formative evaluation or for objectives. If, moreover, they will have a numerous group and difficult pupils in a little propitious environment, will not be to frighten that its way to teach very does not favor the regulation of the learnings. In daily situation of work of – the more emphasis to the contents of what to the very specific learnings that this or that task supposedly favors. The regulation cannot be made seno by means of small touchs, at the moment where the pupil is to the returns with a concrete difficulty. The regulation is permanent in lesson, but if it abides first by the activities and the progression in the tasks and not by the underlying learnings.

What it is not the same thing. To assist a pupil to finish a task is not certainly, in itself, an obstacle to the learning. Everything depends on the nature of the given aid. The aid of the piagetiano psychologist in a clinical interview defines a certain type of intervention: the psychologist if limits to make questions, to try to understand because the child answers or acts in definitive way, to make suggestions, to remember previous behaviors. In other words, it he assists the subject to one to progress in its task, without substituting it, transmitting information to it that they could be used to organize its proper progression. The formative evaluation is considered to help the pupil it to learn and if to develop, participating of the gauging of the learnings and the development of an educative project. During much time the formative evaluation was associated with the image of a test of criteria, that if would apply a period of learning after, folloied of a sequence of remediadoras actions for the pupils who did not dominate all the demanded contents.

Physical Education

As Gallahue and Ozmun (2001) the school, many times, is the space where, for the first time, the children live group situations and they are not more the centers of the attentions, being that the experiences lived in this phase will give for a healthful development during the remaining portion of its life. 5. METHODOLOGY This project of pedagogical intervention search to add the professors of the Physical Education and History for construction of proposal for the dissemination and reflection of the culture afro-Brazilian through the dance and history, being waited to find one space of debate concerning the practical effective of the pertaining to school space. During the development of this work, with analysis of diverse authors who write on the dance and the culture afro-Brazilian, it visualizes to carry through this project in AND M J M F with the pupils of 3 year of Basic Ensino, through expositiva and dialogued lesson, guiding of research, survey of the information found, productions of text, interviews with employees of the school and the community on the subject in question, exposition of the activities for the too much pupils and professors of the school and the community, acrstico with the word culture afro-Brazilian, being that it will be emphasized typical foods, confection of a book illustrating history of Zumbi of Palmares, confection of masks and sculptures of diverse tribes African (in accordance with the meanings that is attributed to them), to know the workmanships of artists that had been influenced by the African culture, as Pablo Picasso, to attend DVD? S for quarrel of this style of dance to know other manifestations cultural, to show through the film ' ' Kiriku and feiticeira' ' a little of history, the African culture, passing this knowledge of clear, objective form and of easy language, so that the pupils understand common facts of the African life and relate with our proper culture.


The dislexia is preoccupying of form that involves parents, professors and a team to multidiscipline. The importance of this study in guideline is to supply the necessity of the subject in question with the objective to show the importance of the knowledge on the dislexia it influences and it that it has in general for the high index of the failure pertaining to school in the educative institutions. The unpreparedness of the educators in basic education to receive pupils with riot from learning has led to a serious confusion between pertinent alterations to the normal process of learning in which they are similar to the riot. It does not have as a professional of the education without the necessary knowledge comes to conclude the suspicion of a pupil with dislexia. They are important that the necessities and the limits of these pupils are known to extend its knowledge and its criatividades. For the dislexia to be a so complex and unknown riot clearly was that I chose this subject for my conclusion of course, therefore is a challenge to study and to know deep the one badly that it reaches the majority of the pupils in the world.

is the base of the index of reprovao and the failure pertaining to school. To put and necessary that the education institutions adopt some initiatives for comes to find a viable solution for this problematic one. 1.DISLEXIA: CONCEPTUALIZATION In century XIX had concerns of the part of diverse authors on the failure pertaining to school of children which not, obtained to recognize words in the writing and reading. However these children possuam nor a mental deficiency capable to explain the difficulty to interpret a reading or to pass to a paper its agreement on something. With passing of the years one became enlarged some authors with diversified chains of thought on the subject, you vary diversified vises.

Professor Art

During our pedagogical intervention we use the art as tool pupils to express them what they had learned, and we perceive how much the pupils already are accustomed to carry through activities with the art together as support. We perceive thus with this experience that when the educational process if becomes pleasant, is possible that the learning is immediate, therefore the methodology used for the teacher made possible to pupils a bigger understanding of the considered contents, and we perceived that it had interest of the pupils in the lessons, and that what was apprehended, related to other distinct subjects at moment he was not more forgotten. The education of the art in basic education I is very important, for if dealing with a matureness phase of the pupils. It is at this moment that if must stimulate activities practical to develop the abilities of speaking in public, representing, to dance and other forms of if expressing everything of spontaneous form, therefore, the art folloies and collaborates in the general development of the pupils. Of this form, it fits to the professors to direct the objectives of its activities, on the basis of what affirms Haetinger that is function of the professor, … to organize the didactic way, resources and instruments for the creation; it is to create an environment favorable where the child feels insurance and received to act; it is to stimulate the expression of the subjectivity of the pupils, without indicating possible errors or optimum way to them to make the things.

Foreign Language

Foreign language is in high BUT THAT TYPE OF COURSE TO CHOOSE? Beyond the traditional schools of languages, other alternatives exist, in accordance with its objective, to learn a language. It sees some options: Courses in the exterior What it is better: to invest in a lasting course in Brazil or to make an immersion in the language through a trip for the exterior? For who it cannot be moved away from the country and wants a contact with a foreign language, the ideal is to choose a school of languages in Brazil. It has schools that they offer immersion to the week ends, normally it are of the environment of lessons, and trips in group with the intention to practise a foreign language. For who it has time and money to invest, the best option still is the courses in the exterior, where the student coexists 24 hours per day fluentes in the language. Learn more at: General Motors Company. IF HE WILL NOT HAVE TIME TO STUDY USES the AID BELOW Has who judges to be one I exaggerate, but interchange agents say that two weeks of a course in the exterior are equivalent to a semester of regular lessons in Brazil.

When travelling for exterior, the student must prevent to say to the language materna. It is important to use to advantage the interchange to enter in contact with the maximum of fluentes people in the language that if wants to learn. Fast courses Who desires to learn a new language in little time can opt to the courses of short duration, that, in Brazil, on average, have 18 months. In these courses, the students have between three and five days of lesson per week, what she generates a bigger contact with the other language. Although they have registered a very great growth in recent years in the country, the fast courses receive some restrictions from specialists.